Uzbekistan: A Traveler's Dream Paradise

4 minute read

Uzbekistan: A Traveler's Dream Paradise

In many people's imagination, Uzbekistan may be a chaotic and backward place full of beggars and thieves. However, when you actually set foot in this mysterious land, you will be surprised to find that it is very different from what you imagined. The people here live happily, with happy smiles on their faces, and there are even children who proudly proclaim, “I'm proud to live here!” This kind of love for one's home country can instantly warm one's heart and fill one with curiosity and anticipation for this country.

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The names of the five Central Asian countries - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan - with the word “stan” in them can be difficult to distinguish at first glance. However, the names of these countries are all based on the main ethnic groups of the region, and while they may seem complicated, there is a pattern to them.

Uzbekistan is unique in terms of its geographical size and population. Kazakhstan is a geographical giant with an area of 2,725,000 square kilometers, with its vast steppes and magnificent natural beauty, while Tajikistan, with a surface area of only 143,000 square kilometers, is a small and delicate jewel hidden in Central Asia. Tajikistan, with only 143,000 square kilometers, is small and delicate, like a hidden gem in Central Asia. Uzbekistan, on the other hand, with only 447,000 square kilometers, has a population of more than 33 million, making it the most populous of the five Central Asian countries, which makes the density of its population really amazing. The country is primarily a farming region, with a history of cultivation stretching back hundreds of years, and the fertile land has produced a wealth of agricultural products, in contrast to Kazakhstan's pastoralist economic model.


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Before traveling to Uzbekistan, I was worried about Central Asia, which is always perceived as “mysterious and distant”. However, a three-week trip to Uzbekistan completely reversed this idea. The cities are clean, the streets are spotless, the air is fresh and pleasant. Prices are staggeringly low, and whether it's food, lodging or shopping, you can feel the superb value for money. Strolling through the ancient city, it is as if you can hear the whispers of history. Ancient buildings tell of past glories, narrow streets carry memories of the years, and every corner may hide an untold story. The security is even better than you can imagine, with children running and playing happily on the streets, and adults strolling and chatting at ease. You can enjoy your trip without worrying about the safety of your belongings. In winter, Uzbekistan offers a pleasant climate and is enchanted by the beauty of its steppes and snow-capped mountains. The snow-capped peaks and the vast grasslands contrast with each other, forming a picturesque scenery.

Uzbekistan's internal routes are almost monopolized by UAL, with few flights and times that are not daily. The use of shuttle buses after the plane landed made you feel as if you were in some small city in Southeast Asia. The arrivals hall is pitifully small, and standing in it, with a glance around every corner, makes you both excited and feel a little pity for the country. After all, the international airport of the capital is so shabby.

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In Uzbekistan, hailing a Yandex or Uber is far easier than haggling with a train station driver, and surprisingly cheap. A ride from the train station to your hotel can cost less than 20 bucks, which is cheap enough to make you want to buy the car.

The capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, has an 80's and 90's look to it and the architecture is a bit dated, but the Soviet-style buildings in the center of the city are still a reminder of “Big Brother”. The buildings are tall, grand and full of history, as if telling the story of the glorious days of the past. The city is not big, but it gives people an illusion of “big”, the street is so spacious that people are surprised, obviously one lane is enough for the road, but it is built with six or seven lanes. Maybe not really need so many lanes, but spacious roads are always favorite. Walking on such a street makes you feel better. The streets are filled with white Chevrolets, some Kia, Nissan, and recently even a tram imported from China. The reason for the abundance of white Chevrolets is simple: Tashkent's summer temperatures can cook an egg, and the color white reflects the sunlight well, or at least it doesn't turn the car into an oven. The streets are lined with large trees that add life to the city, with pines and French sycamores standing still and green grass underneath, making you forget that you are in a “poor and backward” country. The leaves rustle in the breeze, as if playing a symphony of nature.

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Although the material conditions may not be perfect, the cleanliness of the streets is amazing. This is not because someone cleans them every day, but because there really isn't much here that can dirty the streets. Stores are sparse, and even in the core attractions of the city center, there aren't many people, allowing people to quietly enjoy the scenery without the hassle of crowding. The real centers of civic life, such as the domed bazaars, are bustling with activity, but are still much milder than the bazaars in the country. Here you can feel the rhythm and way of life of the locals, taste a variety of authentic food and buy specialty handicrafts.

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In March, Uzbekistan is like springtime in Shanghai, with moist air, not at all like a landlocked country. The surrounding farmland and orchards make you feel as if you were in one of our countryside, full of green and very different from those arid “stan” countries. The wheat seedlings in the fields sway gently in the breeze, and the fruit trees are full of heavy fruits, making you feel the gift of nature. Here you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a quiet idyllic life.

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Uzbekistan, undoubtedly, is a happy blessing for travelers, waiting for more people to explore and discover its unique charms. It has a long history, beautiful nature, hospitable people and a rich cultural heritage. Whether you are a history buff, a nature explorer or a food lover, you will find your own delights and touches here.

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