Latest news from eastern U.P., a tough life

1 minute read

Latest news from eastern U.P., a tough life

Nowadays there are frequent blackouts in the U.N., but we remain joyful during the blackouts. People often ask me, “How can you be so happy in such darkness?” My answer is, “I know how difficult it is to live in darkness without light. But I am joyful because we once lived in darkness, but we are now living in the light of the Lord.” When we are groping in the darkness of a blackout and suddenly the electricity comes back, you realize how wonderful it is to have light. This experience reminds us how wonderful it is to come out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

Image Source: Sourced from the Internet


Damaged buildings in the village

Image Source: Sourced from the Internet


Picture - Damaged buildings in the village



Today we met three addicts outside the gate and we sympathized with them because 24 years ago I was a drug addict myself, but I accepted the Lord and He set me free from my addiction. So I told them that there was a way to get rid of addiction and they were amazed and asked me how that was possible. I told them, “With the Lord's help, all things are possible.”


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