• Economic News

Huge change in China-U.S.-European relations, heavy U.S. news after heavy U.S. news

3 minute read

Huge change in China-U.S.-European relations, heavy U.S. news after heavy U.S. news, great information

First news.


A few days ago, the Jerusalem Post reported that a source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Kuwaiti newspaper Kommersant that the United States, with Oman's good offices, had secretly sent a high-ranking delegation to visit Iran. It was the source's next words that blew up, noting that the U.S. would release goodwill to Tehran by providing a list of intelligence agents involved in Haniya's assassination! The list of agents provided by the U.S. allegedly includes 10 Mossad agents.



The second piece of news


A few days ago, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service released information that the U.S. is planning to launch a strong propaganda campaign to force Ukrainian President Zelensky out of office, and intelligence suggests that former Ukrainian Minister of the Interior Arsen Avakov is considered by the U.S. to be a suitable candidate to replace Zelensky.


Image Source: Sourced from the Internet



The U.S. sells out Israel and Netanyahu in one foot, and then backstabs Ukrainian President Zelensky in the next, planning to oust him and replace him with a U.S.-approved person as Ukrainian president?


It seems that the U.S. relationship with the Middle East and Ukraine has undergone a sea change.


Reasons for U.S. Backstabbing Israel and Ukraine


Let's start with Israel.

The U.S. appears to be selling out Israel by providing Iran with a list of Mossad personnel, but in reality it is to get Iran to hold off on retaliatory action against Israel.


As far as the current situation in the Middle East is concerned, Israel can no longer withstand more attacks, with Yemen's Houthi forces blocking Israeli ships in the Red Sea, Lebanon's Hezbollah constantly launching attacks and firing rockets, and the Hamas forces that are struggling tenaciously, and then another Iran, Israel can't carry the load.



In addition, according to a recent report by the Overseas Chinese Network, senior U.S. officials said that the Israeli army has reached its limit in Gaza, and that continued bombing will only increase the risk of civilian deaths, while the possibility of further weakening Hamas has diminished, and Israel will never be able to completely eliminate Hamas.


The United States, as Israel's “own son,” can't stand by and watch Israel bury itself, so it's backing off in favor of advancing.


Of course, it is also because President Joe Biden has withdrawn from the race, which means that the US support for Israel will change abruptly.


Then there's Ukraine.


Unlike Israel, Ukraine has been a pawn of the United States from the very beginning, and is now nothing more than a discard of the United States.



Or just that, US President Joe Biden has withdrawn from the race, the next US President is likely to be Trump, and Trump has been saying that he will resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in 24 hours, and his solution is to sacrifice Ukrainian interests, which has made Zelensky incredibly angry, so he chose to throw his weight around, backing the war, and even launching a fierce attack on Russian territory in recent times.


And Zelensky's decision has completely pissed off the United States, not because Russia is under attack, but because the United States has always needed only obedient pawns, and if they don't listen anymore and can't be controlled, there are just two results, one is not wanted, and the other is destroyed.


Obviously, Ukraine has not come to the point of destruction, the United States is still trying to elect a “pro-US” person as the President of Ukraine, trying to control the Ukrainian regime, so that Ukraine for its use.


It is worth mentioning that just now, according to an overseas network report, the United States announced a 500 million U.S. dollars military aid program to the Philippines, claiming that it will be used to help the Philippines to deal with the Chinese maritime police and “maritime militia”.



Putting aside the fact that the U.S. military aid to the Philippines is destabilizing regional peace and stability, it is impossible for the U.S. to support three countries at the same time - Israel, Ukraine and the Philippines - so the U.S. has given up on Israel and Ukraine, which are already hopeless, and turned to support the Philippines.


This is also in line with Trump's general direction of playing the big game with China, and it's all the more reason why the U.S. is abandoning Israel and Ukraine.

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