Global wonders of beauty, eye-opening (2)

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Global wonders of beauty, eye-opening (2)

Crater Lake, Oregon, USA

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Great Blue Hole

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The Great Blue Hole, Belize. These huge underwater caves were formed during the distant Ice Age, when sea levels were quite different from today and much of the seafloor was still exposed at the surface. The Blue Hole was probably formed by erosion at the time and then filled with seawater.


Abraham Lake, Canada

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Lake Abraham is an artificial lake on the North Saskatchewan River in western Alberta, Canada, with an area of about 53.7 square kilometers and a longitudinal length of about 32 kilometers. It is built in the headwaters of the North Saskatchewan River, in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.

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Fire Falls

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Horsetail Falls, also known as Fire Falls, is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the southwestern United States. With a total height of over 2,000 feet, the water pours down from a height of nearly 500 feet. The view of Fire Falls is only visible by some chance for two weeks at the end of February every year.

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Volcanic Lightning

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Volcanic lightning is a lightning phenomenon that may be triggered by volcanic action. Long puzzled by scientists, such lightning is only about 3 feet long (about 1 meter) and lasts only a few milliseconds. in February 2010, U.S. scientists, with the help of advanced instruments and after two months of careful study, confirmed the “tiny spark” during an eruption of Ridout Volcano in Alaska.

Colorful Sand Dunes

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In Lassen Volcanic National Park in the United States, the sand dunes on the slopes of the volcano appear in splashes of color. This is the result of volcanic activity and is breathtakingly beautiful. The scene looks like an oil painting, God's painting.

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Wonderland on Earth

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Borneo volcano in Indonesia is like a fairyland on the edge of the clouds.

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The Edge of the Earth

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Eastbourne, England, is this the edge of the world?

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